
Honesty starts from within: conceptualization and multimethod measurement of self-honesty as a core valuein The Journal of General Psychology

Citation: Gorlin, E. I., Huong, C., Warren, C., Weissman, S., Langevin, M., Durso, J., … Wenze, S. J. (2024). Honesty starts from within: conceptualization and multimethod measurement of self-honesty as a core value. The Journal of General Psychology, 1–43.

Exploring the (Mal)adaptive Consequences of Self-Deceptive Enhancement: A Narrative Review in Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology

Citation: Weissman, S., & Gorlin, E. I. (2023). Exploring the (mal)adaptive consequences of self-deceptive enhancement: A narrative review. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 2023, Article 2382005.